Healthy churches are effective in the following areas: evangelism, discipleship, worship, fellowship, missions and ministry.

We believe churches grow:
larger through evangelism;
deeper through discipleship;
stronger through worship;
warmer through fellowship;
and broader through ministry and missions.

NOBA is available to provide assistance to your church in these areas.

NOBA can also assist churches in assessing their current state of affairs and developing methods for improving ministries with the goal of becoming healthy, Gospel-centered churches.

NOBA is a resource to churches in need of supply preaching for special events, Sunday mornings and revivals.

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Read posts from the NOBA blog concerning matters of church health. Find out what other pastors and leaders have to say about this important topic.

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Want More Information?

We want to connect you and your church with the best resources to move toward church health. By filling out this form, we’ll be able to better assist you.

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Need to Speak with Someone?

Leroy Fountain, NOBA’s church health strategist, would love to connect with you and answer your questions about church health.

Contact Leroy Fountain