NOBA is an association of sending churches that fully embraces its mission to take the gospel to the nations. In furtherance of this mission, NOBA churches pray for, give generously toward, and participate in the global ministry of the gospel.
The churches of NOBA partner with sister churches within and beyond our association, as well as with the International Mission Board, the North American Mission Board, and Baptist Community Health Services, among other organizations, in order to best accomplish the great missionary objective of the Church.
NOBA seeks to stimulate its member churches toward greater participation in global missions by telling the stories of churches that have excelled in fulfilling the Great Commission, and by providing greater opportunities for its churches to pray, give, and go.
How to Get Your Church on Mission
Be Inspired
Find out what other NOBA churches have done to bring the gospel to people around the world. Read their stories, and consider how your church can be involved.
Learn about unreached people groups and the task remaining for the global Church. Ask for the Lord to send laborers into His harvest.
Discover how your Cooperative Program giving affects lives around the world with the love of Christ. Consider how your church can generously participate in God’s global mission.
Get information about opportunities for you and your church to make tangible impacts for the kingdom of God. Think how your church could have a consistent presence in overseas missions.