Executive Director

Jack is married to Jane, and they have three children: John, who lives and works as a cabinet maker and fireman in Park County, Colorado; Benjamin, who is married to Lindsey, both of whom practice law in Baton Rouge and have two children, Kate (5) and Jackson (4); and Hannah, who is married to Jerry, who both practice medicine in New Orleans and have one child, Luke (1) and another due in the summer 2016.

Jack joined NOBA in October 2009 and became its Executive Director in September 2011. Before coming on board with the association, Jack practiced law for 29 years in New Orleans. In addition to his service to NOBA, Jack serves as President of New Orleans Baptist Ministries, the compassion arm of NOBA. NOBM includes Baptist Friendship House and the association’s community rebuild ministries. It also has been instrumental in launching Baptist Community Health Services, a full-service primary care clinic offering medical and behavioral health services to underserved communities in greater New Orleans for the glory of God and in the love of Christ.

Jack is a member of the Board of Trustees of Baptist Community Ministries, the Foundation Board of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, a founding Board member of Innovative Evangelism, and a former Trustee of Louisiana College. In 2006, he was awarded the President’s Call to Service Award by President George W. Bush for his part in the recovery of post-Katrina New Orleans.