4960 St. Claude Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70117

Since our founding in 2014 we have seen God’s hand of provision through many seasons at BCHS and that still remains evident in 2021. This year we have seen ups and downs as our communities battle COVID-19. We have faced hurricanes with an urgency to return to our neighbors and friends and provide the care that they depend on us for. Every day we have new opportunities to share God’s love through the healthcare we provide and to be the hands and feet of Jesus across our communities.

COVID-19 has been a reality each day that our team faces. In 2021 we have provided 1908 COVID-19 tests and vaccinated 2805 people against COVID-19. Our team is proud to be the only COVID-19 vaccination site in the Lower 9th Ward and this work was only made possible by the support of our community partners like the Lower 9th Ward Senior Center and our churches. We had some incredible volunteers step up and serve alongside our staff. Our team was able to support Phillip Vandercook and his team at Global Maritime Ministries in going aboard ships and giving vaccines to seafarers who didn’t have access to the vaccines in their home countries.
Part of being an FQHC is maintaining high levels of compliance to ensure our patients receive the highest quality of care. In June HRSA (Health Resource & Services Administration) sent a team of three inspectors to review all aspects of BCHS. After a final review of the findings by HRSA, BCHS is proud to have achieved full compliance in all 93 areas. The team worked extremely hard to achieve this and the inspectors were complimentary about the high standards that are held by BCHS.

In August BCHS was awarded a new grant to increase access to testing, support, and education around HIV. New Orleans was identified as a hotspot in 2020 for new HIV cases. This grant will allow us to bring on case management for the first time at BCHS as well as additional behavioral health resources. We are thankful for these tools that enable us to care for our patients and address the needs that they face.

In 2021 the BCHS Board of Directors named Jeremy Simmons as the new CEO of BCHS. Jeremy has served at BCHS over five years in roles as Community Outreach Director and COO. We are thankful for the impact that Shawn Powers had in bringing BCHS to where it is today and we look forward to what the next chapter holds. Please continue to pray for the team at BCHS as we seek to share the love of Christ each day to those we come in contact with.