Reason for Joy, by Santos Geovany Gomez

A beautiful Hymn recites these words:

Joyful, all ye nations rise,
join the triumph of the skies;
with angelic host proclaim,
‘Christ is born in Bethlehem!’
Hark the herald angels sing,
‘Glory to the newborn King.’

Many may say that they don’t have a good reason for joy since their lives are in despair, and I know circumstances are not always in our favor. Yet each year, regardless of our circumstances, we light the ‘joy’ candle in the advent wreath, symbolizing joy at the soon coming of Jesus.

Joy is often confused with happiness, which is linked to external circumstances, while joy springs deep from within and isn’t fazed by external conditions. Christmas isn’t about happiness, but about rejoicing, which can be found even in heavy circumstances through prayer and thanksgiving leading to peace and rejoicing.

For pastors, the Christmas season presents both an opportunity and a challenge. While everyone is thinking about Christmas, it can be difficult to direct people’s attention to the true source of joy: the birth of Jesus, his presence in our lives today, and his anticipated return in glory. The joy and anticipation of putting up decorations, wrapping gifts, and gathering with family is not the ultimate source of joy. As we celebrate Christmas, pastors have a unique opportunity to remind their congregations of the true meaning of the holiday.

Philippians 4: 4-7: Rejoice in the Lord always: and again, I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Amidst the pursuit of happiness during the festive season, it’s essential to remember the significance of prayer and thanksgiving to achieve peace and rejoicing. Instead of worrying, let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, and communicate your concerns to God. This Christmas, find true joy by taking all your cares and worries to the Almighty, who created the stars, counted your hair, and gave his only Son for eternal life.

Remember no one can take away the joy given to us by God himself. No matter what circumstances we encounter, no one can take this away.

John 16:22: And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.

Let’s sing together, and joyfully, like the angels declaring glory to the newborn King.

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